Feels really cool to have been quoted in an article by highly respected German publication Manager Magazin. The article was on the rise of autonomous vehicles and the opportunities and threats for carmakers.

Our specific contribution? „Kön­nen Sie sich ei­nen Kun­den vor­stel­len, der ge­zielt ei­nen Maz­da, Opel, Peu­geot oder Seat als Taxi be­stellt? Wozu also noch 25 un­ter­schied­li­che Mar­ken?“ That loosely translates as “can you imagine demanding that your taxi was a Mazda, Opel, Peugeot or SEAT? If not, then why would we need 25 different brands in future?”.

You can find the article here (subscription required). Ad Punctum / Thomas Ridge’s quote is about halfway through – sharing a paragraph with Thomas Sedran on VW no less.

Thanks to Manager Magazin for the mention and for using us during the article research. It was a very interesting discussion.